CrystalClear Software, Inc. is a software consulting company that provides expert assistance to companies developing software-intensive systems. CrystalClear specializes in development of large-scale mission-critical systems. We provide software architecture development, library-framework development, and other services.

July 2005 - Come learn more about Software Architecture when our founder Jeff Garland and co-author Richard Anthony give a tutorial based on their book at OOPSLA 2005 on Monday Oct 17th in San Diego, California.. Follow the links below for more information: image of cover

August 2004 - Come learn more about Software Architecture when our founder Jeff Garland and co-author Richard Anthony give a tutorial based on their book at OOPSLA on Sunday Oct 24th in Vancouver, British Columbia. Follow the links below for more information:
Also, we are sponsoring a Boost Workshop at OOPSLA this year. Come join us in discussing the future of C++ libraries. See the OOPSLA workshop page and the Call for Participation.

February 2004 - We are proud to announce the third release of the Boost Date-Time Library as part of Boost 1.31.0. For more information see Date Time Documentation.

August 2003 - Come learn more about Software Architecture when our founder Jeff Garland and co-author Richard Anthony give a tutorial based on their book at OOPSLA on Monday Oct 27th. Follow the links below for more information:

October 2002 - CrystalClear Software is proud to announce a new book co-authored by our founder: Jeff Garland. Large Scale Software Architecture: A Practical Guide Using UML leverages the new IEEE 1471 standard and the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to provide a set of architectural views useful in understanding large-scale software projects. The book will be is now available. See details here.

October 2002 - We are proud to announce the first release of the Generic Date-Time Library (GDTL) as part of Boost 1.29.0. The library has been renamed to the Boost Date-Time Library. For more information see User Documentation.

July 2002 - We are proud to sponsor a new initiative to make Software Architecture Patterns more accessible and usable by categorizing existing patterns and filling in missing architecture patterns. This effort is being supported via the Architecture Patterns Wiki and a workshop at OOPSLA 2002.

Sept 2001 - We are proud to announce hosting support for the Boost Wiki. Boost is a set of open source peer-reviewed C++ libraries that work well with C++ standard library.