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This algorithm completes the set of basic predicates on sequences.
template<class Container, class Predicate>
        inline bool
        exists_and_only(const Container& cont, Predicate pred)
            typename Container::iterator i = find_if(cont, pred);
            if (i == cont.end()) return false;
            if (find_if(++i, cont.end(), pred) != cont.end()) return false;
            return true;

-- People/Vladimir Prus

Why is this a container and not an iterator range?

Could this be more generic by passing in the number of occurances?

template<typename InputIterator, typename T>
        inline bool
        exact_count(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T const&, int count = 1);

template<typename InputIterator, typename Predicate>
        inline bool
        exact_count_if(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred, int count = 1);

This is container because it's the way I use it. I still hope we'll agree on how to implement container algorithm and the algorithm's idea is independent from interface. I have some objections to exact_count: -- People/Vladimir Prus


I don't think you need an extra algorithm to perform what count(...)==1 (or count(...)==count) already does with the same complexity (in particular, the same number of calls to operator== or to pred).

-- [Herve Bronnimann]

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Last edited August 31, 2004 8:24 am (diff)
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