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After downloading Boost from the Boost website or from the CVS you need to compile the Boost libraries using the Boost.Build system. Boost.Build is based on Boost.Jam instead of the well known - but less portable - make system.

Note that only a few libraries require a library compilation step using Boost.Jam. These are: thread, date-time, filesystem, regex, signals, serialization, and python. Graph also requires this step only if the graphviz feature is to be used. The other Boost libraries are contained completely within header files.

As of 1.31.0, the random library also must be built if you want to use the nondeterministic random generator random_device. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be a Jamfile suitable to build it. -Jody Hagins

Next Boost.Jam is also used for generating all test programs and running all tests.

To obtain Boost.Jam, you can either:

Boost.Jam and Boost.Build packages are available for:

How to Install Boost for Visual C++ Users

An unambiguous guide for Visual C++ users who have never installed 3rd party libraries before. In this example VC++ has been installed to d:\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\ Subtitute your install directory accordingly.

You probably need to set PATH to "c:\windows;c:\windows\system32;c:\windows\wbem" to make it work.

Adding Boost Files to Your Projects

That should be it. Try one of the examples detailed in the Boost documents.

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Last edited August 24, 2008 2:34 pm (diff)
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