Please add a definition for any word that you think may need one. A definition does not only *define* the meaning of something, it also *precise* the meaning, so we all know what we are talking about.
These are the corner-stones, which define the following view and direction of further development of the more detailed functional requirements.
In this part the requested functionalities are described. Please, be as specific and precise as possible here, in order to elide misunderstandings. And if possible, a short rationale would be nice.
The library should be able to operate in a multithreaded environment. The major thread safety policy seems to me as follows:
The main idea here, of course, is that the program should be able to generate log messages from any thread.
Rationale: For performance reasons threads should not share loggers.
John Torjo : There should be no need for a "logging core".
Andrey Semashev: The points of the core are (a) to interconnect loggers and sinks and (b) to provide the way to global filtering and storing global and thread-specific attributes.
The library should offer the ability to maintain a stack of named scopes. The stack should be a supported as a log attribute and available for sinks to be written to output. The stack should be modified with a scope guard objects, provided by the library. The guard objects should have an optional ability to issue a log record upon construction and destruction. Since the stack is thread-local, the functionality is to be provided by the logging core. For performance reasons only C-string constants should be supported as scope names.
It is very convenient to see the sequence of calls that led to the given line of a log.
class A { logger m_log; void foo(int n, string const& s) { log_scope scope("A::foo"); // Indicate that we have entered the function "A::foo", no log records are made // Another useful feature incorporating macros: BOOST_LOG_FUNCTION("A::foo", (n)(s)); // Will log something like "A::foo(n = 10, s = \"Hello\")" switch (n) { case 1: { // Equivalent to: //log_scope case_scope("case 1"); //m_log << "Entered scope \"case 1\""; log_scope case_scope(m_log, "case 1", true); // Indicate that "case 1" have been selected // The additional flag and logger indicate that // an actual log record should be made on case_scope construction // and destruction m_log.strm() << "Working..."; // This record would contain a stack [...->"A::foo"->"case 1"] break; // Here will be executed: m_log << "Left scope \"case 1\""; } case 2: { log_scope case_scope(m_log, "case 2", true); m_log.strm() << "Working too..."; // This record would contain a stack [...->"A::foo"->"case 2"] break; } } m_log.strm() << "Done working..."; // This record would contain only a stack [...->"A::foo"] } };
Requirement: It should be possible to prevent all or a specified subset of log messages from generating any code, symbols or strings in the object file.
Rationale: Often log output used for debugging contains valuable information that would be useful for reverse engineering the code. Even if log is not actually generated, fragments might remain as symbols or in the string table of an object file if they are not removed from compilation alltogether (e.g. through macros). This might concern company secrets but also patents, or other cases where it is not up to the log user to decide if leaking information is acceptable or not.
Requirement: Log arguments should not only be lazy formated, but also lazy evaluated. Lazy in this context means: only if log will actually be visible in any of the output modules.
Rationale: In a recent project benchmarking showed that formatting only consumed about 50%-70% of the time. The rest was spend in actually evaluating the variables that were about to be logged. This is especially important since it might be very important to do heavy calculations and preparations on values to make them suitable for a readable output.
This issue was addressed on the mailinglist using constructs of lamda and lazy evaluation. This would work fine, but imho is cumbersome to write. It would be helpfull if a logging library would provide some helper macros (which one might use or not, depending on their needs) for such tasks.
Andrey Semashev: I think, the most user-fiendly and natural solution is to perform filtering before constructing the text message. I.e.:
if (logger.will_write_message()) // Filtering takes place in will_write_message logger.strm() << "The message text";
Andrey Semashev: See also req. #9
The second aspect is probably trickier. Consider the following notional logging statements (vaguely remembered from some posting on the list):
BOOST_LOG( data1() << data2() << data3() ); // data3() throws
In this case, what if anything gets logged when data3() throws?
Andrey Semashev: Regardless of the library implementation, the behavior is uspecified here. The compiler is permitted to reorder these function calls and operator << calls in any way. That means that is is not known which of dataN functions were called and which results of their execution were put into logger stream before the exception occured. I guess, the library will just output what it has at the point of exception.
Rationale: Sometimes you want lots of extra information in a logged message (e.g. when debugging complex interactions), and sometimes you just want to print out a simple message (e.g. a simple heartbeat message).
The library should allow to apply filtering to the records being written to the output. There should be both global and per-sink filters.
Rationale: Per-sink filtering allows to separate logging records to be put into different sinks and global filtering allows to reduce log verbosity, if needed.
Design note: Each filter is essentially and unary functor that receives an attribute set and returns bool. Such approach allows to compose filter checks easily with some lambda-like syntax:
sink.set_filter(attr("severity") > 2 && (attr("channel") == "IO" || attr("channel") == "Connections")); logging_system::get()->set_filter(attr("severity") >= 1);
Limitation: This way of filtering will not be available for the message text because the text is not formatted at the point of filtering. Still, a sink implementation is allowed to discard the record after the regular filtering have been applied and the message text have been constructed. Such late filtering may involve message text and, IMO, should not be covered by the initial library implementation.
John Torjo: The filter (which should not be linked to the logger). You can choose to make it thread-safe.
Andrey Semashev: Filters are completely unrelated to loggers and, in fact, to neither of the major parts of the library. Filters never share any mutable data (unless they are designed that way by users, that is) and therefore they are thread-safe and lock-free by default.
The library should support three attribute set categories:
John Torjo: Not sure why we'd need attributes to be kept in the logger/thread/global.
Andrey Semashev: In many times it is very convenient. For example to log each thread identifiers, scope stack or some processing context (like user name, IP whose request is currently in processing). Sometimes user's application spreads to more than one module (dll/so) and thread-specific attributes are a very convenient way to tag logging records in other modules while processing a single request from user.
The library should provide means to log an exception being thrown. It would be nice if the logging record included information about the place in sources where the exception was thrown.
Rationale: It is often convenient to log an exception that indicates an error. This often helps debugging the application and diagnose its undesirable behavior.
Design note: Most likely this functionality will be implemented as a macro or a set of macros that constructs the exception, logs it and throws. Probably, Boost.Exception support should be implemented, though the functionality should not be restricted to it (at least <stdexcept> classes should work too). Preliminary syntax could be something like:
#define BOOST_LOG_THROW(logger, svty, exception_type, strm) if (true) { exception_type e; wrap(e) << strm; BOOST_LOG_SEV(logger, svty) << "Exception occurred at " << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << ". " << e; throw e; } else ((void)0) BOOST_LOG_THROW(lg, minor, std::runtime_error, "CPU not found"); BOOST_LOG_THROW(lg, major, std::invalid_argument, "The argument X has invalid value " << X); BOOST_LOG_THROW(lg, fatal, boost::exception, "I'm dying, here's my dump: " << dump);
I think Boost.Logging needs a parser for configuring logging easy; log4j file format is a reasonable stadard for that:,%20org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggerRepository%29
And Boost.Spirit helps excellently in that!
Andrey Semashev: This was already under consideration. Although it looks tempting, there is no common and convenient way to store settings. Log4j does not work wery good since the proposed library architecture is way too different from log4j. Other solutions might be reading from a simple text file, xml file, Windows registry or command line, but all these solutions are still not universal (e.g. user's application might need its own settings and their format may differ from what the library offers). Therefore there will be no such feature out of box, at least at first.
Now Boost.Logging, compiling with gcc, depends on pthread library, whether I choose thread-locking or not for logger_format_write<> (see bl::array::shared_ptr_holder<>). So, if I want not to use thread-safety I have to construct log_type manually.
Andrey Semashev: I hope to provide a compile-time choice for thread safety. That is, at the time of the library compilation you will have to chose whether you want it or not.
In a multithreaded application, transferring the log records from the log sources to the log sinks will require the thread with the log source to obtain the ownership of the sink (or the logging core if logging through the core) to transfer the log records. If several threads with the sources have to move their log records to the same sink at the same time, they would be able to do that only one after the other. This will cause synchronization of the execution in the logging threads. The purpose of using logs in a multithreaded application is often to reveal the sequence of events leading to some undesirable threading behavior such as deadlocks or races. The synchronization impact of logging may change the event sequence greatly so that the behavior in question will never happen when using logs. It is highly desirable to have an option where logging from the separate threads causes as little synchronization impact as possible. In practice this would probably mean that the number of operations used for the record transfer in between acquiring and releasing the ownership has to be brought to an absolute minimum.
sink.set_format("[" << boost::logging::level << "]" << " - " << boost::logging::date("%d/$m/$Y") << "," << boost::logging::timestamp << "," << boost::logging::message);
BOOST_LOG("employee::set_salary: salary = " << salary);
Andrey Semashev: I guess, there's no actual relation between the crashability of the application and logging records severity. I mean, in perfect world they should be related, but in reality we usually don't know where the bug is an when the app would crash. Therefore I would propose an "auto flush" mode that may be enabled per-sink at run time. In this mode the sink would flush its buffers, if any, after each logging record being written. Such mode would be useful for debugging, when performance is not of a primary concern.
Andrey Semashev: Added functional requirement #9.
Andrey Semashev: Such feature looks like channels. It may be implemented as a special attribute which tells the channel name or id. With filtering sinks will be able to extract specific channels' messages from the whole flow.
Log generated >- XXXX -> log written by sink.What's happenening on XXXX is not managed by the library. XXXX typically Process pipes or network streaming. (JD)
I would actually make one or more "IPC" (inter process communication) sinks (based on say sockets, ...) and corresponding "IPC" sources. If the library is extensible then the user can add their own transport mechanisms, but at least everything would stay within the logging library. (Michael Lacher)
Andrey Semashev: Nice. In the light of the library development results I would suggest a slightly different scheme of such feature which is quite possible now. Application: Log generated by the app via usual loggers -> Log sent to the receiver by a special sink (say, syslog over the network). Log receiver: Log collected from the network with a special source object -> filtering, formatting, etc. -> Log written by a sink to a file.
There is a preliminary library implementation in the Boost.Vault, available with the following link:
The actual library code is hosted on the SourceForge CVS and is available here:
Online documentation is available here:
There is also another implementation here:
and the code is in the boost sanbox SVN: