Building a Generic Date-Time Framework |
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Building a Generic Date-Time Framework -
Category | Description | Functions |
Interfaces | Provide concrete classes for manipulation of dates and times |
Calculation | Provide a basis for performing efficient time calculations |
Representation Flexibility | Provide the maximum possible reusability and flexibility |
Clock Interfaces | Provide concrete classes for manipulation of time |
I/O Interfaces | Provide input and output for time including |
The following provides some simple examples of using GDTL date types. While GDTL supports time types, due to space constraints this paper will focus on date representations as examples.
//generate types based on the gregorian_calendar
using namespace gdtl;
typedef basic_date<gregorian_calendar> date;
typedef basic_date_duration<gregorian_calendar> date_duration;
typedef period<date,date_duration> date_period;
date d1(2000,1,1);
date_duration fourDays(4); //a number of days
date d2 = d1 + fourDays;
date_duration dd = d2 - d1; //four days
date_period p1(d1,d2); //a range of dates: Jan 1 - Jan 4
date_period p2(d1,date_duration(4)); //2001-Jan-01 - 2001-Jan-05
p2.contains(date(2001,1,1)); //true
p2.intersect(date_period(d1,d2)); //returns date_period
GDTL is still an experimental library, but should be released as open source later this year.
GDTL uses 3 co-dependent types to enable time and date calculations: Points, durations, and periods (or intervals). Points (in time) represent a fixed position on the time continuum. For example, the date 2001-Jan-1 is a point with day level precision. The time 2001-Jan-1 15:14:00 is a point with second level precision. Durations represent an unanchored elapsed period of time (eg: 10 minutes, 22 seconds). Periods or intervals represent a fixed range of time starting at one point and ending at another.
Together, these elements provide the basis for complex calculation and reasoning about dates and times. This design is similar to those suggested in [1] and [2] for building time based systems.
To allow for efficient and accurate calculations, dates and times are represented as a single integer type. This representation is similar in concept to a Julian day number and allows for fast comparison and compact representation. To allow for direct calculations, the underlying representation must be monotonic. Adjustments such as leap years and leap seconds, do not enter directly into calculations, but are imposed as a view on the underlying representation. Adjustments are imposed on points in time when the component representation (eg: month, day, year) is extracted for printing or other purposes.
For example, in the illustration above a ten-day time duration starting from 2000-Feb-25 and 2001-Feb-25 end on 2000-Mar-5 and 2001-Mar-6 respectively. The placement of the extra day on the 29th day of February does not affect the internal calculations. In both cases, the elapsed time is 10 days.
For dates, a consistent feature across calendars is division of the timeline into years, months, and days. Different calendars, however, provide different handling of leap years and other adjustments. Thus, the goal of GDTL is to allow custom calendars to provide these adjustments and views by providing only a single component, the calendar (discussed later).
Time representations are like dates, but provide a higher resolution view of the time continuum. For times adjustments such as the time zone and leap seconds become relevant to providing the hour, minute, second view.
A duration is an elapsed time amount that is not anchored to a particular point on the time continuum. Durations can be added to points in time to get a new point or can be used with a point in time to create a time period. In addition, subtraction of two points in time produces a duration.
The following provides a synopsis of a basic_date_duration
template<class calendar>
class basic_date_duration
: boost::less_than_comparable<basic_date_duration<calendar>
, boost::equality_comparable< basic_date_duration<calendar>
> >
explicit basic_date_duration(unsigned long days);
unsigned short days() const;
unsigned long months() const;
unsigned long years() const;
bool operator==(const basic_date_duration& rhs) const
bool operator<(const basic_date_duration& rhs) const;
basic_date_duration operator-(const basic_date_duration& rhs);
typename calendar::duration_rep_type days_;
Many date-time calculations are greatly simplified by direct support for intervals and ranges. For example, questions such as:
template<class point_rep, class duration_rep>
class period {
//! create a period from begin to last eg: [begin,last]
period(point_rep begin, point_rep last);
period(point_rep begin, duration_rep len);
point_rep begin() const;
point_rep end() const;
point_rep last() const;
//!various operators
bool operator==(const period& rhs) const;
bool operator<(const period& rhs) const;
bool operator>(const period& rhs) const;
//! True if the point is inside the period
bool contains(const point_rep& point) const;
//! True if this period fully contains (or equals) the other period
bool contains(const period& other) const;
//! True if the periods overlap in any way
bool intersects(const period& other) const;
period intersection(const period& other) const;
point_rep begin_;
point_rep last_;
To meet several of the design goals basic classes such as date
and time cannot be concrete. They must offer the ability to
change basic assumptions such as the minimum date, or epoch, that
a date class can represent. For example, the
class is a template that is customizable
by providing a new calendar class. A simplified synopsis of
is shown below.
template<class calendar>
class basic_date
: boost::less_than_comparable<basic_date<calendar>
, boost::equality_comparable< basic_date<calendar>
> >
typedef calendar calendar_type;
typedef basic_date_duration<calendar> duration_type;
typedef typename calendar::ymd_type ymd_type;
basic_date(typename calendar::year_type year,
typename calendar::month_type month,
typename calendar::day_type day);
unsigned long year() const;
unsigned short month() const;
unsigned short day() const;
bool operator<(const basic_date& rhs) const;
bool operator==(const basic_date& rhs) const;
duration_type operator-(const basic_date& d) const;
basic_date operator-(const duration_type& dd) const;
basic_date operator+(const duration_type& dd);
basic_date(typename calendar::date_rep_type days) : days_(days) {};
typename calendar::date_rep_type days_;
The calendar template parameter provides the implementation type
as well as customized calendar functions. The
is responsible for implementation of
calculation and comparison operators including interfacing with
related types (period and duration). The calendar
provides the mapping from external views (eg: yy/mm/dd)
to the internal representation used in basic_date
A major problem with most date-time representations is the
presumption of the Gregorian calendar. GDTL breaks this
assumption by providing the ability to customize
with a different calendar class.
The synopsis of the gregorian_calendar is shown below.
Other calendars must provide similar interfaces to allow
automatic generation of date and other related classes.
class gregorian_calendar {
typedef greg_month month_type;
typedef greg_day day_type;
typedef greg_year_month_day ymd_type;
typedef unsigned long year_type;
typedef unsigned long long date_rep_type;
typedef unsigned long long duration_rep_type;
static short day_of_week(const ymd_type& ymd);
static unsigned long day_number(const ymd_type& ymd);
static ymd_type from_day_number(unsigned long);
static bool is_leap_year(year_type);
static unsigned short end_of_month_day(year_type y, month_type m);
static unsigned short epoch_start_year();
The calendar provides a basic set of conversion functions that allow
to convert a point-based (integer) representation
to a year, month, day and vice versa for formatting and other
purposes. Overall, the calendar class can be
thought of as a policy class [9] that describes the translation of
the external date specification into the internal
representation. In addition, the calendar class exports
several types that enable the generation of compatible
duration and period classes.
A fundamental issue for a time representation is the precision of representation. For example, an application calculating a spacecraft trajectory may require extremely high precision (microseconds) to accurately calculate orbit maneuvers. However, most applications don't require high resolution and may not wish to pay the storage and calculation costs associated with maintaining extremely high precisions. The resolution of a time representation is fundamental to its efficiency. Too large makes storage more expensive. However, too small does not allow sufficient resolution for applications.
With GDTL, an application could use the combination of a
unlimited integer class to provide a large range and a high
precision. Both basic_date
provide the ability to customize the
internal representation. Typically an unsigned long makes a
good representation. However, any type that supports addition,
subtraction, and comparisons can be utilized.
A point in time represents an absolute position in the infinite time dimension. Since no computer can represent an infinite dimension directly, a point must be anchored to a specific location in the time dimension. For dates this is called an epoch. Many C library functions provide the current date as the offset since 1/1/1900. In GDTL, the calendar provides the starting epoch. This is necessary because different calendar systems have different fixed starting points and apply different adjustments during different periods. In addition, this allows applications to adjust the minimum and maximum points to be represented.
A key goal of GDTL is to provide systems of compatible date-time classes. For example, the basic_date class provides a core for the creation of specific date representations with different calendars and epochs. A specific date class also needs compatible date_iterators, date_periods, and date_durations. The generation of these compatible dependent types can be accomplished using templates.
The diagram below shows the instantiation of
, basic_date_duration
, and
to create a set of date classes based on the
Gregorian calendar. The gregorian_calendar
class provides
interface types to basic_date
for days, months,
and years. In addition, the calendar provides compatible
internal representations for both basic_date
and basic_date_duration
. The
(described later) uses
the arithmetic functions of the basic_date
and basic_date_duration
to provide various
iteration capabilities over dates.
One fundamental problem of date-time classes is checking the validity of input data. Dates and times are frequently read from user interfaces, user edited files, and other error prone sources. Many, but not all, common mistakes can be detected and provide immediate feedback on the error. Consider the following interface:
class date {
date(unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day);
And imagine the following user code:
date d (12,31,2001); //oops year and day reversed
An unconstrained interface leaves open the potential of programming error propagating into the core of the date-time library. The GDTL design attempts to separate this error checking from the core of calculation, making error checking an independent aspect of the implementation. A helper template, constrained_value allows for rapid generation of classes to perform range checking. The synopsis of the constrained_value is as follows:
//!A constrained basic type similar to Range from Stroustrup [3]
template<typename rep_type, rep_type min_value,
rep_type max_value, typename except_type>
class constrained_value {
typedef except_type exception_type;
constrained_value(rep_type value) throw(exception_type);
static rep_type max();
static rep_type min();
operator rep_type() const;
rep_type value_;
Constrained values check the min and max of the specified range. For example, the date interface can be re-written as follows:
typedef constrained_value<unsigned int, 1, 31, bad_day> day_rep;
typedef constrained_value<unsigned int, 1, 12, bad_month> month_rep;
typedef constrained_value<unsigned int, 1, max_year, bad_year> year_rep;
class checking_date {
//Checking constructor
checking_date(year_rep, month_rep, day_rep);
In this example, bad_day, bad_month, and bad_year are all
exception types that are thrown if the user attempts to
construct a value outside the specified range. This
provides direct control over the interface and frees the
internal calculation classes from checking these ranges. Of
course, constrained_value
address all types of errors. A user could still
switch the month and day, and as long as they are within the valid
month range, the error will not be detected.
While Meyers technique is targeted at managing compile time errors for dates written in the source code, the constrained_value approach is targeted at providing runtime error checking. That is, errors where the date attributes are not written into the source code, but are obtained from a user interface, file, or other runtime data source. In addition, constrained_value can go beyond Meyers technique since it can provide checking for the days of the month and the year as well as the month.
Of course, range checking is not the only type of checking needed to ensure correctness of a date. There are many calendar dependent checks that cannot be performed by a constrained_value. For example, 2001-Feb-29 is an invalid date even though the day specifier is in a valid range. This checking is performed by the calendar classes.
Another use of templates in the GDTL is in the construction of
special iterators. The date_iterator
provides an iterator for stepping through a series of dates.
The iterator is another example of a type dependent on
characteristics of the date representation (such as the maximum
allowed date) and hence is generated for each different date
In addition, date_iterator
provides a mechanism to
jump at a fixed offset. The following code, for example, will
step through dates using a 7 day granularity.
enum date_resolutions {day, week, months, year, decade, century, NumDateResolutions};
//iterate by adding 7 days at a time
date_iterator<week, gregorian_calendar> ditr(date(2000,Jan,20));
for (ditr; ditr < date(2000,Feb,6); ++ditr) {
std::cout << *ditr << " ";
The date_iterator is a template defined in terms of a
and a date_resolutions
enumeration. The enumeration is used to provide template
specializations for the get_offset function that calculates
the number of days to add to the current day.
template<date_resolutions resolution, class calendar>
class date_iterator {
typedef typename calendar::ymd_type ymd_type;
typedef typename basic_date<calendar>::duration_type duration_type;
date_iterator(const basic_date<calendar>& start,
unsigned int factor = 1);
bool operator< (const basic_date<calendar>& d);
bool operator<= (const basic_date<calendar>& d);
date_iterator& operator++();
date_iterator& operator++(int);
basic_date<calendar> operator*();
unsigned int get_offset(const date_iterator& di) const;
basic_date<calendar> current_;
unsigned int factor_;
Boost::operators provides a powerful template library to simplify the
definition of operators. By using boost::operators the amount
of code required to support the full complement of operators is
reduced. As the
documentation page [4]
of the boost::operators describes, operators such as
, can be defined in terms of
. Thus the library developer creates a
few operators and then inherits from the set of desired
For example, the operators for the date class can add various comparisons
as follows:
template<class calendar>
class basic_date
: boost::less_than_comparable<basic_date<calendar>
, boost::equality_comparable< basic_date<calendar>
> >
There are still several issues in GDTL design that might use templates in the solution. The following sections briefly discuss these.
One interesting issue is the creation of a completely generic
interface for the date and time classes. As the design stands,
some date-time systems cannot be represented with the
basic_date and basic_time. For example, in a Geologic date
system the years, months, and days of the basic_date
are not relevant. Rather, the unit of measurement
might be a span of 100 years. Here relevant units of
extraction would be centuries or millennia. Thus,
currently, a
template that replaces basic_date
(eg: basic_geologic_date
) would need to be
written in addition to the geologic_calendar
One possible approach to this problem is for
to provide additional interfaces (eg:
century()) and use the "optional functionality through
incomplete instantiation" technique described in [9]. Since
uses the calendar to calculate the
view, the calendar can provide an error message if a user
attempts to use an interface that is not supported by that date
system. So, for example, basic_date::day()
not be supported by a geologic calendar and produce an
error if instantiated.
The drawback to this approach, however, is that it is difficult
envision every view method a date system might need. In
addition, it bloats the size of the basic_date
making it harder to understand and maintain. Finally, each
calendar must support a bigger interface.
In the current versions of the library, the
class is a concrete class.
Unfortunately, to change the epoch, for example, this class
must be re-written or changed. In a future version, this class will be
templatized to allow for epoch selection within the
Gregorian system without re-writing the calendar
Another policy aspect of the calendar that should be templatized is the error checking policy. The current implementation does not explicitly factor the checking. This is undesirable since some systems may desire to turn of all checking, preferring performance instead. Czarneecki and Eisenecker also describe this issue in [10].
Building a generic framework is extremely difficult. In many ways, it is similar to writing a design pattern that allows customization of the various tradeoffs by the user. Deep experience in the domain and plenty of experimentation with template programming are required.
Error messages are a major drawback of template-based approaches. Compilation errors involving a basic_date and other types create verbose error messages that typically don't contribute to the solution of user programming errors. For example, if a program uses dates in a standard collection, error messages can be difficult to decipher.
There are at least 3 approaches to this problem
One approach the library designer can use is to explicitly instantiate a type in the library instead of using a typedef. For example,
class date : public basic_date <gregorian_calendar>
     date(year_type y, month_type m, day_type d);
The main issue with this approach is that the constructors must be written for each class. Thus for a given date-time system this may entail writing at least a dozen constructors. However, this is likely the best solution for a common instantiation of GDTL since it simplifies error handling for library users.
A big improvement in compilers would be to provide aliased names in error messages. Fully expanded names could be provided as a detail section in the error. This would relieve both the library developer and users from the complexity of error messages in template-based solutions.
Documenting template-based frameworks is also difficult. The GDTL design covers a much broader design range than a conventional date time library. For the average user of a standard date class, documentation of the template customization points is not of interest. They are interested simply in how to use the provided classes. Developers that need to extend the library need a deeper understanding of how the library is designed. It is a struggle to design documentation which meets both needs. In addition, the amount of work is magnified since documentation of extension points effectively requires programming some extensions as examples.
Finally, testing and maintaining a template-based library is much more difficult than a typical library. The number of programmers with experience in template-based programming is relatively small. In addition, the range of application also makes changes more difficult. An extra dimension of 'compilation testing' may be required to ensure that extenders do not violate the fundamental library concepts.
Overall, templates have been instrumental in meeting most of the design goals for GDTL (see Table 1). They have enabled the factoring of many decisions that are normally fixed in date-time libraries. One major area of implementation remaining is support for the full range of input/output as described in I/O interfaces. This will expand the use of templates further due to the need to interface with C++ locales.
GDTL represents an example of template programming applied to the generation of concrete types. Other examples include template complex from the C++ standard library [3], a rational number template (boost rational) [5], and SIUnits [11]. This is an area of library development that is ripe for exploitation, because it facilitates more robust and flexible programs. In the case of GDTL, programs can be shielded from many complexities of the time-date domain. Most simple uses of dates and times can be accommodated with a standard template instantiation. However, template programming opens new avenues since projects that need type customizations are not required to rebuild an entire library, to work with high precisions or non Gregorian calendars.
Although template programming provides the tools to take software reuse to new levels, widespread application for project development will take time. The level of difficulty associated with building generic libraries means that only the largest projects will have justification to build such libraries. Even then, any given project will not have the time or inclination to build for future variability.
Thanks to Yannis Smaragdakis for suggesting the derivation-based approach for improving error handling. Thanks to Corwin Joy who has offered several suggestions and approaches for handling internal representations.
[1] Anderson, Francis, "A Collection of History Patterns", from Pattern Languages of Program Design, Addison-Wesley, 2000, pp 243-297.
[2] Carlson, Andy, "Temporal Patterns", from Pattern Languages of Program Design, Addison-Wesley, 2000, pp 241-262.
[3] Stroustrup, Bjarne, "C++ Programming Language 3rd Edition", Addison-Wesley, 1998, pp 236-242.
[4] Boost Operators -
[5] Boost Rational -
[6] Calendar FAQ -
[7] Meyers, Scott, "Effective C++", Addison-Wesley, 1992, pp 175-178.
[8] Meyers, Scott, "Effective STL", Addison-Wesley, 2001, pp 210-217.
[9] Alexandescu, Andrei, "Modern C++ Design", Addison-Wesley, 2001, pp 13-26.
[10] Czarneecki, Krzysztof and Eisenecker, Ulrich, "Generative Programming: Methods, Tools, and Applications", Addison-Wesley, 2000, pp 217-218.
[11] Brown, Walter, "Introduction to the SI Library of Unit-Based Computation",, 2 September 1998.